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book dealer meaning in Hindi

book dealer sentence in Hindi

पुस्‍तक व्‍यापारी
book    ग्रंथ लेखा-बही
dealer    बांटनेवाला
1.Barnett suggested Texana book dealers or discount bookstores as your best bet.

2.His clients find him winning; some book dealers are less enamored.

3.Often universities work through intermediaries, some of whom are book dealers.

4.The bid was won by John Fleming, a Manhattan book dealer.

5.These reprints still command high prices from used book dealers.

6.Many of these books are still available through old-books dealers.

7.Gates hired a rare-book dealer in New York to stock it.

8.He grew up in Los Angeles, where his parents were book dealers.

9."I'm a book dealer in Archer City ."

10.Although illegal, pornography is widely available through adult magazine and book dealers.

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How to say book dealer in Hindi and what is the meaning of book dealer in Hindi? book dealer Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.